Classical Sample 1 - Rhapsody In Blue Rehearsal Excerpt [Acoustic]Jazz Sample 1 - Take the A Train Excerpt [Acoustic]Semi-Acoustic Funk Sample 1 - Boogie On Reggae Woman ExcerptCommunity Noise Sample 1 - 757 Landing at DTWAmplified Sample 1 - Detroit '67 Excerpt - LiveCommunity Noise Sample 2 - DC9 / MD80 LandingEnvironmental Sample 1 - Thunderstorm & Rain On a Metal Roof [Environmental]Percussion Sample 1 - Djembe DrumsSpoken Word Sample 1 - Wedding Reception Gone WrongEnvironmental Sample 2 - Crisp Thunderclap [Environmental]Motorbikes on Main StreetStreet Musicians, Open-Air Market [Folk Music]1991 RX-7 Convertible Run-Up -Immersifi Pronunciation: \ I-'mer-si,-fi \ Function: NOUN \ VERB : the act of immersing or the state of being immersed : as a baptism by complete submersion of one's self in High-Fidelity